Feb 26, 2012

Control Is Needed When Building a Blog

When building a blog there are a few things you MUST be mindful of before you even start blogging or your anticipated success will never happen! Firstly you need to anticipate that creating content will consume a lot of your time and effort! With that being the case you'll want to take measures to be sure you can back up every new blog post you create! In addition you'll also want to get the best results when generating traffic while also making sure visitors are greeted by an environment on your site that is comfortable and pleasing! To accomplish these 3 important objectives you'll need to establish some type of control over these areas before you decide to go live online and start blogging!

Here are 3 aspects of your platform you'll want to establish control over even before the first new blog post is even submitted for public viewing!

Data Base Control

If you don't have access to your own data base for back-up and/or transferring purposes you are at risk! You absolutely must be sure you can access your own data base and never assume that however is hosting your site will allow you to do so! Remember you are the one whose time and effort have gone into creating content and then posting it on your site! It only stands to reason that you be allowed 'direct' access to anything you posted or even the configuration of the site itself! You worked hard composing each new blog post and attracting the comments visitors left, which are vital in terms offering 'social proof' of the popularity your site has gained! These things are rightfully yours so be sure you have total control in this area! 

Domain Name Selection

Although free platforms may be available the sub-domain names they offer are neither professional nor eye-catching! You want complete control over the selection of your domain name and how it appears in the browser window! The free platforms found online are great for beginners and/or short term use but if you have 'big' plans once you start blogging it is best to own your domain name as opposed to using a 'free' one! The typically sub-domain name is unusually long and lacks relevance to what your site is all about!

Control Comments

This is NOT to imply you rule with an 'iron hand' on what people can say but merely you should monitor comments that are disruptive or non-productive! Whether you comb through each remark or use an available widget that filters out spam (recommended) you don't want to necessarily expose your readers to these type comments! Don't be fooled thinking your the only one who reads remarks left at your site! Do your visitors a favor and 'insulate' them from these useless comments that are the equivalent of verbalized graffiti!

There are certain steps you need to take before you start building a blog that if you overlook you may end up regretting you did so! It all comes down to controlling certain aspects of your site concerning your ability to choose your own domain name or even backing up any new blog post you have created! Remember it's your site and therefore your efforts that go into creating content or even moderating the conduct of visitors to your platform! The 3 key aspects over which you want total control, and rightfully so, are discussed above and this control should be clearly established before you even compose your first new blog post!

2 comment:

Excellent post. I really need this knowledge!

nice post, but maybe i need more explain about data base control. thank's for attention.

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