This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Feb 28, 2012

Tombol Jalan Pintas (shortcut) Pada Keyboard

Mungkin anda sudah mengenal beberapa cara pintas mengunakan keyboard dalam pengoperasian komputer, kali ini anda akan belajar beberapa yang baru.Tapi jika anda seorang yang tidak terbiasa dengan keyboard dan merasa pincang tanpa mengunakan mouse, cetak daftar jalan pintas Keyboard ini, beri tanda yang anda pikir berguna dan simpan kertas tersebut di samping komputer, sampai keterampilan baru anda ini terlatih. Mudah-mudahan bisa membantu anda.

25 Tombol Jalan Pintas pada Keyboard — untuk Windows

Organisasi dan produktivitas selalu saling berkaitan. Sulit untuk memiliki satu tanpa yang lainnya.

Kita selalu berpikir tentang bagaimana memperbaiki beberapa kebiasaan praktek organisasi dengan cara yang terbaik untuk digunakan setiap hari. Salah satunya adalah pekerjaan kantor menggunakan komputer.

Keyboard shortcut. Adalah tombol jalan pintas pada keyboard yang digunakan dalam operasi komputer.
Artikel ini memberikan anda pengetahuan tentang bagaimana menguasai 25 tombol shortcut yang paling penting dengan mengunakan keyboard. Dengan belajar bekerja secara terorganisir, pekerjaan anda akan jauh lebih produktif. Pekerjaan menggunaan komputer yang biasanya menghabiskan banyak waktu, dengan cara ini mudah-mudahan bisa membuat pekerjaan anda lebih cepat.

Catatan: Semua huruf menggunakan kapital, tetapi anda tidak perlu terus tekan tombol Shift kecuali jika memang ditentukan. Anda juga tidak perlu mengetikkan tanda plus(+); tanda plus berarti menekan kedua tombol pada saat yang sama.

Penggunaan dalam sistem operasi Windows
1. Alt + Tab (memilih(toggle) diatara program / pekerjaan yang akan di buka)
2. Tombol Windows + M (membuka desktop, / minimize semua pekerjaan)
3. Tombol Windows + Tab (memperlihatkan semua pekerjaan di task bar)
4. PrtScn (meng save gambar di layar ke clipboard; "paste" gambar di layar tsb ke program editing anda untuk membuat file gambar)
5. Tombol Windows (membuka menu aplikasi windows)

Untuk Penggunaan Browser
6. Ctrl + T (membuka tab baru)
7. Ctrl + Shift + T (membuka kembali tab terakhir yang telah di tutup; bisa beberapa kali)
8. F5 (reload/refreash)
9. Backspace (Ke halaman sebelumnya; bisa beberapa kali)
10. Ctrl + Tab (membuka diantara tab yang ada)

Untuk aplikasi-aplikasi yang biasa
11. Ctrl+ Z (undo pekerjaan sebelumnya)
12. Ctrl + Y (redo pekerjaan sebelumnya)
13. Crtl + O (membuka file)
14. Crtl + S (save)
15. Ctrl + W (menutup(close) windows yang aktif)
16. Crtl + Q (quit)

17. Ctrl + A (pilih semua(select all) dalam window yang aktif; contoh: pilih semua text di halaman)
18. Ctrl + X (cut)
19. Ctrl + C (copy)
20. Ctrl + V (paste)

Find, Select, dan Navigasi Text
21. Ctrl + F (find; sangat berguna untuk mencari kata dalam suatu halaman website atau dokumen)
22. Ctrl + Shift + tombol panah ke bawah (mem blok semua sampai kebawah)
23. Ctrl + Shift + tombol panah ke atas (mem blok sampai ke paling atas)
24. Ctrl + Home (krusor berpindah ke atas/awal dokumen)
25. Ctrl + End (krusor berpindah ke bawah/akhir dokumen)

Feb 27, 2012

Tiga Poin yang Akan Membantu Madrid Jadi Juara Madrid - Cristiano Ronaldo terpuaskan oleh kemenangan Real Madrid atas Rayo Vallecano. Menurut Ronaldo, tiga poin yang didapat timnya akan membantu usaha memenangi titel La Liga.

Madrid menang 1-0 kala melawat ke markas Rayo, Minggu (26/2/2012) malam WIB. Ronaldo jadi penentu kemenangan Los Merengues lewat gol semata wayangnya.

"Rayo bermain bagus dan membuat segalanya jadi sangat sulit untuk kami. Mereka punya kesempatan untuk menyamakan kedudukan, tapi kami bertahan dengan baik dan mendapatkan skor yang menguntungkan," aku Ronaldo di situs resmi klub.

"Ini adalah pertandingan yang kacau, khususnya di menit-menit pembuka, karena tak ada tim yang mengontrolnya. Pelatih bicara ke kami pada saat jeda dan kami kemudian lebih berkonsentrasi," jelasnya.

Dalam laga ini, gol Ronaldo tercipta lewat proses yang cantik. Dia mengejar bola liar di kotak penalti Rayo dan kemudian menendangnya keras-keras dengan tumitnya tanpa melihat gawang.

"Saya bahkan tak memikirkannya saat saya mencetak gol. Saya cuma menendang bola dengan tumit saya dan oleh karena itu mengejutkan para bek dan kiper. Saya menendangnya cukup kuat sehingga mereka tak bisa menghentikannya," ungkap Ronaldo.

Berkat kemenangan ini, Madrid untuk sementara unggul 13 poin atas Barcelona di papan klasemen. Ronaldo mengaku cukup puas dengan hasil yang didapat Madrid sejauh ini dan tak mau terlalu memikirkan Barca.

"Kami sangat bangga dengan pekerjaan yang kami lakukan karena tiga poin ini akan membantu kami memenangi titel," kata penyerang internasional Portugal ini.

"Kami tak perlu memikirkan apa yang dilakukan tim lain selama kami melakukan pekerjaan kami dengan benar," tegasnya.
(dtc/mfi) Sumber: detiksport

Messi Menangkan Barca Madrid - Barcelona masih menjaga jarak 10 poin dengan Real Madrid yang ada di puncak. Ini berkat kemenangan 2-1 Los Cules atas Atletico Madrid yang ditentukan gol Lionel Messi.

Dalam laga yang dihelat di Vicente Calderon, Senin (27/2/2012) dinihari WIB, Barca unggul lebih dulu di babak pertama lewat Dani Alves.

Radamel Falcao menyamakan kedudukan sebelum Lionel Messi memastikan raihan tiga poin untuk Barca.

Dengan kemenangan ini Barca punya 54 poin dari 24 laganya dan tetap menempel Madrid dari posisi kedua klasemen. Untuk Atletico mereka kini menghuni urutan ke-9 dengan 32 poin.

Jalannya pertandingan

Barca mengambil inisiatif serangan sejak awal pertandingan dan memperoleh peluang pertamanya di menit 20 lewat Xavi Hernandez. Tapi tembakannya masih bisa ditepis Courtois.

Di menit 36 Barca berhasil unggul lewat Dani Alves. Messi yang mendapat bola dengan cepat menyodorkan kepada Cesc Fabregas dan lantas diteruskan kepada Alves di tiang jauh.

Dengan sekali sentuhan bola dikiriman Alves ke dalam gawang Atletico dan Barca memimpin 1-0.

Atletico yang tertinggal di babak pertama langsung menyengat usai masa istirahat. Hasilnya di menit 48 mereka menyamakan kedudukan melalui sepakan voli Falcao meneruskan sepak pojok rekannya.

Tuan rumah kemudian terus menggempur pertahanan Barca dan Falcao nyaris di menit 69 membawa timnya memimpin. Tinggal berhadapan dengan Victor Valdes, bola chip Falcao berhasil dihadang Valdes.

Di menit ke-76 Barca sebenarnya bisa mencetak gol lewat Alexis Sanchez tapi dianulir karena si penyerang dianggap handball dan malah dihadiahi kartu kuning.

Messi! Lagi-lagi penyerang Argentina itu tampil sebagai penyelamat timnya. Free kick Messi di menit 81 berhasil melesak mulus di pojok kanan gawang dan Courtois yang berusaha menggapai tak mampu menahan laju bola. Barca unggul 2-1.

Dua menit sebelum waktu normal usai Valdes membuat penyelamatan gemilang ketika tembakan Juanfran dari jarak dekat masih bisa ditepisnya.

Susunan pemain

Atletico Madrid: Courtois, Juanfran, Miranda, Godin, Filipe, Tiago, Gabi, Arda (Silvio 86'), Adrian, Koke (Salvio 77'), Falcao

Barcelona: Valdes, Alves (Cuenca 71'), Mascherano, Puyol, Abidal, Xavi, Busquets, Iniesta, Messi, Fabregas (Pedro 78'), Sanchez (Pique 84')
(dtc/mrp) Sumber: detiksport 

Gol Unik CR7 Jadi Hadiah Ultah Pepe Madrid - Tepat hari Minggu (26/2/2012) kemarin Pepe merayakan hari jadinya yang ke-29. Di hari istimewa tersebut dia bisa merayakan dengan penuh suka cita karena Real Madrid menang, berkat sebuah gol unik dari Cristiano Ronaldo.

Bertandang ke Rayo Vallecano, Madrid meneruskan rentetan kemenangan yang mereka miliki. Meski dipaksa bersusah payah, El Real menyudahi laga dengan kemenangan tipis 1-0, di mana gol dibuat Ronaldo di menit 54.

Selain Ronaldo, pemain Madrid yang paling bersuka cita dengan gol tersebut adalah Pepe. Gol itu membuat dia terhinar dari menjalani hari ulang tahunnya yang pahit, andai 'Si Putih' gagal menang.

"Kemenangan adalah kado ulang tahun yang saya harapkan. Rayo membuat pertandingan ini sulit bagi kami," jelas Pepe di situs resmi klub.

Gol yang dicetak CR7 dibuat dengan istimewa dan cukup unik. Dari kemelut yang tercipta di kotak penalti lawan, dari tengah kotak penalti sambil membelakangi gawang CR7 melepaskan tendangan menggunakan tumit. Bola bergulir di atas rumput dan masuk ke gawang.

"Gol yang dibuat Cristiano adalah sebuah karya seni. Dia membuktikan kalau dirinya adalah pemain terbaik di dunia," tuntas Pepe.
(dtc/din) Sumber: detiksport

Feb 26, 2012

Control Is Needed When Building a Blog

When building a blog there are a few things you MUST be mindful of before you even start blogging or your anticipated success will never happen! Firstly you need to anticipate that creating content will consume a lot of your time and effort! With that being the case you'll want to take measures to be sure you can back up every new blog post you create! In addition you'll also want to get the best results when generating traffic while also making sure visitors are greeted by an environment on your site that is comfortable and pleasing! To accomplish these 3 important objectives you'll need to establish some type of control over these areas before you decide to go live online and start blogging!

Here are 3 aspects of your platform you'll want to establish control over even before the first new blog post is even submitted for public viewing!

Data Base Control

If you don't have access to your own data base for back-up and/or transferring purposes you are at risk! You absolutely must be sure you can access your own data base and never assume that however is hosting your site will allow you to do so! Remember you are the one whose time and effort have gone into creating content and then posting it on your site! It only stands to reason that you be allowed 'direct' access to anything you posted or even the configuration of the site itself! You worked hard composing each new blog post and attracting the comments visitors left, which are vital in terms offering 'social proof' of the popularity your site has gained! These things are rightfully yours so be sure you have total control in this area! 

Domain Name Selection

Although free platforms may be available the sub-domain names they offer are neither professional nor eye-catching! You want complete control over the selection of your domain name and how it appears in the browser window! The free platforms found online are great for beginners and/or short term use but if you have 'big' plans once you start blogging it is best to own your domain name as opposed to using a 'free' one! The typically sub-domain name is unusually long and lacks relevance to what your site is all about!

Control Comments

This is NOT to imply you rule with an 'iron hand' on what people can say but merely you should monitor comments that are disruptive or non-productive! Whether you comb through each remark or use an available widget that filters out spam (recommended) you don't want to necessarily expose your readers to these type comments! Don't be fooled thinking your the only one who reads remarks left at your site! Do your visitors a favor and 'insulate' them from these useless comments that are the equivalent of verbalized graffiti!

There are certain steps you need to take before you start building a blog that if you overlook you may end up regretting you did so! It all comes down to controlling certain aspects of your site concerning your ability to choose your own domain name or even backing up any new blog post you have created! Remember it's your site and therefore your efforts that go into creating content or even moderating the conduct of visitors to your platform! The 3 key aspects over which you want total control, and rightfully so, are discussed above and this control should be clearly established before you even compose your first new blog post!

Tips For Building A Successful Technology Blog Site

You may have heard of blogging but not be sure what it is or why so many people are doing it. If so, you're far from alone--lots of people are curious about blogging. If you are one of the many who are thinking about starting a blog and would like to know the benefits, use the tips and ideas in the following article to help you with your path to blogging success.

Many bloggers create revenue by allowing advertisements on their sites. If you use too much advertising, your blog will lose effectiveness, and you may lose readers. If all people see are ads when they visit your blog, they will look elsewhere for the information they seek.

Traffic to your blog can be increased through link exchanges. You can exchange links with other owners of blogs that have similar content. Don't submit a link to a completely unrelated blog. You want to drive targeted traffic to your website and build your search engine rank by getting backlinks from relevant sites, so focus on that.

Start developing your blog's mailing list as early as possible. The earlier that you begin, the longer amount of time that you can grow your list. This list may prove profitable for you down the line. It can be a paramount mistake to not begin a mailing list at the beginning of your efforts. 

If you are fortunate enough to have some spare money, try to attend some blogging conferences. You will gain a vast amount of knowledge at a blogging conference and you can use it to improve your own blogging efforts. In addition, they allow you to socialize with other successful people, which tends to result in your own blogging success.

While expanding your readership through linking and other strategies, track your statistics so you can see what works and what doesn't. Try out different things to see what works best.

Read and respond to the feedback given on your post without letting it effect you emotionally. Regardless of the topic or your thoughts, there is always someone who will see it differently. Use the constructive criticism you receive to upgrade your blog. Any that don't offer something of value, you should reply to let them know you've read it and forget about it. You will show maturity and, ultimately, grow your readership.

A great way to draw in more traffic is through contests and freebies. Who doesn't like getting something for nothing? You don't have to give away anything expensive. Give away freebies regularly and you'll find that your visitor base is growing rapidly. Readers will check your pages more often, if they think you might be giving away freebies.

Keep in mind that blogging is an extremely social business. This means being accessible to your readers, open to opinions, and interested in posting comments. Additionally, it is important to be visible and communicate with others in your industry or niche. If you do nothing, it is very unlikely that your blog will be successful. You must engage and interact with potential readers and other bloggers in order to achieve success.

It is necessary that you use the appropriate font for your blog. You want your font to be appealing and easy on the eyes. You want to achieve the perfect balance, avoiding a font that is so big that it overtakes the whole page or so tiny that your readers find it difficult to read the text.

Now that you've read the above tips, you have the tools to make an amazing blog that will draw tons of visitors. Keep this article handy as a quick reference guide any time you want an easy way to increase the visibility and success of your blog.

Technology Blogging For Both The Beginner And Experienced Blogger

Blogs not only affect the lives of their readers, they significantly alter the life of their writers, too. If you are looking to have an influence on people and the issues that affect them, blogging may be just the thing for you. Read this article for tips about ways in which you can craft a meaningful blog that will effectively communicate with your readers.

Your love and enjoyment of your blog is integral to its success. If you're bored by what you're writing, your readers will be bored to. On the flip side, if you're passionate, your readers will be hooked. Decide on the topic you are most passionate about, and have a good time sharing it with others! If you have a good time writing the blog, chances are your visitors will enjoy reading it.

Always try to incorporate figures, charts and graphs if possible. This type of content adds interest and quality to your blog. Using this technique will increase the quality of each blog post and drive in more traffic to your site.

When beginning your blog, start with a couple of excellent blog posts that introduce who you are and what your blog will be about. Start with basic information about who you are and what you will be blogging about. Include photographs and graphics which clearly illustrate what your blog is trying to achieve. If you are not one to give out too much of your personal information, it is not necessary to put up a picture of yourself. Just make sure that the pictures represent the subject.

You have to decide if your blog will have advertisements. Allowing ads on your blog can generate a great deal of revenue. The problem with ads is that they can cheapen your blog and dilute your message. It's obvious you're blogging for money when your reader sees an ad, and they might lose trust in you due to this fact.

Make sure the text in your blog is sufficiently large, but not too large. Since your blog's content is the most important feature, you must determine the best font size. You need to strike a balance; text that is too big will make readers scroll endlessly, while readers will need to grab the magnifying glass to read tiny microtext. 

Giving away freebies is a wonderful way to attract visitors. There are few things that excite people more than the chance to win something. The giveaway doesn't even have to be for something expensive in order to draw in new visitors. You will achieve the best payoff by offering as many giveaways as you can. When readers come to know your site as one that offers frequent freebies, they will visit your blog to see what new offering you have.

Blog about interesting, relevant topics. Everyone has general day-to-day chores, such as washing the dishes or vacuuming. Unless you can discuss them in a really interesting way, it isn't going to keep your reader's attention. Choose an interesting topic that most people can relate to. The main goal in blogging should be to get as many readers to your site as you can.

Blog promotion and useful, relevant content are needed for a blog. Quality content is a key area to making your blog a success. If you aren't producing quality content on a daily basis, your readers will end up going elsewhere. You can have quality content, but if you are not promoting your site, it really doesn't matter. Mixing together both of these approaches is a good way to guarantee you get all you can from your blog.

Your blog's theme must be SEO friendly. Not only will you be able to increase your search engine rank, but your site will also run more efficiently. Nowadays, speed is extremely important. Readers do not like waiting for graphics and other plug-ins to load. They'll go back to the search engine and be at a faster blog before you know it.

Have a greater goal in mind when you begin to blog. Are you trying to establish your brand or become an authority figure in a certain niche? Or maybe you are just looking to produce a blog that makes money. Maybe you just have an assortment of aims in mind. You need to keep your goals in sight and set up your blog accordingly.

Take the time to properly investigate every subject that you intend to blog about. If you are not well versed on the subjects you post about, you could deliver misleading or inaccurate information. Additionally, you will require a sufficient level of expertise in order to adequately respond to comments.

Don't focus on the money. While it is certainly quite possible to make a living by blogging, creating a content that focuses completely on your pocketbook will almost certainly lead to disaster. Building a following takes time; if your blog's subject doesn't really interest you, your readers will quickly sense the disconnect. The blog needs to be on a subject that you are interested in, and have an enjoyment of, if you wish for your enthusiasm to be embraced by your readers.

Maintain the health of your blog. You should do maintenance every so often to ensure your blog is easy to navigate and that everything is working properly. You can also update your layout as your site evolves. This will keep visitors interested and make sure that your blog is in good working order.

Utilize Twitter and Jaiku micro-blogging to your advantage. You can use such services to announce the latest posts you make to your blog and notify your loyal readers that you have fresh content. It's a great way to stay engaged with your readers and keep them interested.

Whether you plan to sell, market or simply chronicle your daily life, the blogging tips you have just read should help you be more successful. Apply the tips that will work for you, and keep in mind that when you are putting something online, everyone will be able to see it.

How To Make Money From Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing

Blogging is a great hobbie that allow individuals to express their thoughts, knowledge, beliefs and opinions and get other internet users to read the content written on their blog. There are a number of people who started a blog just to write about stuffs they love and interested in without seeking any financial benefits. However, some of these bloggers may become so popular and influential overtime that they now have a large number of loyal followers that visit their blog regularly to read it's content. This gives the blogger a great opportunity to start earing an income for their effort with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a method to make money online by helping sell products and services owned by other people for a commission for each sale you make via your affiliate link. The way to monetize your blog with affiliate marketing is to join an affiliate program or affiliate network and recommend products and services to your followers that will be of help and value to them. Because you're already into blogging and have a number of followers that you've built relationships with you're in a great position to succeed with affiliate marketing.
Your Known Online Presence Puts You In A Better Position To Succeed With Affiliate Marketing

Having a blog and a known online presence is a very important requirement for succeeding with affiliate marketing. Many Affiliate Marketers when just starting out usually have to go through the process of starting a blog, put sufficient content on it, drive traffic to their blog, build relationships with visitors to their blog and then start promoting products and services to make sales. This process is time-consuming and requires a lot of work.
Therefore, if you've been blogging for a long time and accumulated a lot of followers your affiliate marketing foundation is already set. You can get started with affiliate marketing by joining an affiliate network and start recommending good products and services to readers of your blog. However, you need to use the correct marketing strategy and chose the right products to promote to get people to buy stuffs you recommend.

Best Way To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
The best way to promote products is to write helpful and informative articles on particular subject matters then recommend relative products or services at the end with your affiliate url linked to an anchor text. There are other ways you can market products such as product reviews and text and banner ads.

Why You Should Have Adsense for Your Blogs

Most people start a blog for a hobby, or an online business but both have the potential to make money. With free blogging platforms such as blogger or Wordpress, starting up a blog is an incredibly easy thing to do but first you must register before being allowed access to their services.

One of the best things about blogs is the flexibility they offer to bloggers, as they can be updated anytime. In fact, some people choose only to publish some new content to their blog every day, whereas others only do so once a week.   No matter how often you decide to update your blog, making sure that you only publish unique high quality posts is really important if you intend to make money from your blog.  The hardest decision you will have to make as a blogger will be deciding whether or not to feature ads on your blog.
Google Adsense is perhaps the best paid ad platform that actually pays you money for those ads.  Here's how it works, they give you ads to host on your blog and every time someone clicks on an ad you get paid money directly into your Adsense account. In fact, Google allows you to host specific ads on your blog, giving you the ability to only host ads which are associated with your content.  That way your readers are only given relevant ads to look at.

The amount of money that you earn from these ads is determined by a number of factors.  The main ones are the amount of traffic you blog receives, how much the advertisers are paying you and how relevant those ads are to what your audience is looking for. Blogging with Adsense is perhaps the easiest way for you to make a second income from home without spending any money.  That is why I strongly advise you to try it for yourself, that way you can determine whether this money making opportunity is worth doing.

One of the main things I like about blogging is the fact that once your blog is running well and receiving a good level of web traffic, the thing practically works on autopilot.   This means that you can make money doing anything as it works for you 24/7. I won't lie to you though, the hardest part in your blogs development is trying to get it off the ground but once you manage it you can reap the rewards it has to offer. Learning how to start up a success blog is by far one of the best skills that a blogger can learn, and when you understand the basics you can start your blogs up fast.  That way you could potentially manage a large number of blogs that practically work on autopilot making you loads of money.

Make Money Blogging (Great Student Job)

Blogging for bucks would possibly sound just like the latest game show or some new drinking game, however it is the latest craze to hit the net. Bloggers began blogging for variety of reasons, however because the blog movement has increased in popularity, they need found ways in which to monetize their blogs and are seeing their commitment pay off.

Whether a blogger's focus is to speak with customers or simply to own fun, they need begun watching ways in which to earn revenue from their blogs. the foremost well-liked ways in which for bloggers to earn some added money for his or her pet comes are:

1. ) Google Adsense in Blogs
Google AdSense permits webmasters to dynamically serve content-relevant advertisements in blogs. If the visitor clicks one among the AdSense ads served to the blog, the web site owner is credited for the referral. Webmasters want solely to insert a Google-generated javascript into the blog or blog template. Google's spider parses the AdServing blog and serves ads that relate to the blog's content. Google uses a mixture of keyword matching and context analysis to see what ads ought to be served.

2. ) Affiliate Programs (Product Endorsements)
Affiliate Programs work when an affiliate internet website receives income for generating sales, leads, or traffic to a merchant web site. Generally, bloggers can mention or endorse specific merchandise and if website guests purchase the merchandise, bloggers can receive a little of the sale.

3. ) Product Promotion
Businesses use blogs to detail how specific options or product add-ons will increase functionality and save time. Content-rich product promotion can facilitate with search engine placement.

4.) Banner Ads
While less well-liked than within the past, websites with high traffic levels will still earn tight revenue by selling banner house.
As the net evolves bloggers can still search out ways in which to monetize their opinions and thoughts. Daily journals and on-line blogs became quite simply a communication however in some ways this opens up to a endless array of traffic which will only drive more income your blogs way. 
If followed, thiese 4 simple steps could have any student (overtime) never worring about working while in school again.

Arsenal vs Spurs, Pecahkan Rekor 19 Tahun - Arsenal akan segera menghadapi Tottenham Hotspurs di Emirates Stadium dalam lanjutan Liga Premier. The Gunners akan mendapatkan lawan sulit dalam upaya untuk bangkit kembali.

Arsenal terancam tidak akan mendapatkan gelar apapun musim ini. Mereka telah tersingkir dari Piala FA dan Piala Carling. Peluang mereka di Liga Champions juga cukup tipis setelah ditaklukkan AC Milan 4-0 di leg pertama. Usaha mereka di Liga Premier pun kini harus dibarengi dengan kerja keras untuk menembus posisi empat besar.

Spurs justru mengalami keadaan sebaliknya. Mereka tengah menjadi salah satu kekuatan baru di Liga Premier musim ini dengan memasuki tiga besar di klasemen. Peluang mereka di Piala FA juga masih terjaga. Spurs juga sempat mengalahkan Arsenal dengan skor 2-1 pada pertemuan pertama mereka musim ini.

Spurs tengah berusaha mencapai hasil mengalahkan Arsenal dua kali dalam satu musim. Terakhir mereka melakukannya 19 tahun lalu pada musim 1992-93. Mereka menang dengan skor 1-0 di kandang dan menang dengan skor 3-1 di Highburry.

Arsenal masih saja didera permasalahan cederanya para pemain. Aaron Ramsey, Francis Coquelin, Sebastian Squillaci, Carl Jenkinson, dan Per Mertesacker tidak dapat diturunkan dalam pertandingan ini. Kekuatan utama The Gunners masih bertumpu pada ketajaman Robin Van Persie. Musim ini ia telah mencetak 22 gol sehingga diharapkan ia dapat menjebol gawang Spurs.

Kekuatan Spurs sendiri justru bertambah seiring dengan kembalinya beberapa pemain andalan mereka setelah sembuh dari cedera. Emmanuel Adebayor, Rafael van der Vaart, Benoit Assou-Ekotto, dan Luka Modric sudah fit kembali dan siap untuk bermain.

Data dan Fakta Pertandingan

- Musim lalu Spurs berhasil mengalahkan Arsenal dengan skor 3-2 meski sebelumnya sempat tertinggal dua gol lebih dulu.

- Spurs hanya sekali memenangkan lima pertandingan tandang terakhir mereka.

- Sejak Spurs ditangani Redknapp, mereka hanya kalah sekali dari Arsenal dalam tujuh pertemuan terakhir mereka di Liga Premier.

- Musim ini Arsenal mencetak rata-rata poin 1,7 poin per pertandingan. Nilai ini merupakan nilai yang terendah selama era kepelatihan Wenger.

- Spurs justru mencetak rata-rata poin 2,1 poin. Nilai tertinggi yang dimiliki Spurs selama Wenger melatih Arsenal.

- Robin Van Persie telah mencetak 21 gol dalam 20 penampilan terakhirnya bagi Arsenal.

Perkiraan susunan pemain:

Szczesny, Sagna, Vermaelen, Koscielny, Gibbs, Walcott, Arteta, Song, Gervinho, Rosicky, Van Persie

Friedel, Walker, Kaboul, King, Assou-Ekotto, Lennon, Parker, Modric, Bale, Van der Vaart, Adebayor (bola/Rev)

Cardiff vs Liverpool, Akhiri Puasa Gelar the Reds - Liverpool akan menghadapi Cardiff City di Stadion Wembley dalam final Piala Carling. Tim favorit juara ini akan berupaya mengakhiri puasa gelar mereka selama enam tahun terakhir.

Liverpool akan tampil dengan kekuatan terbaiknya, Daniel Agger akan kembali memperkuat jantung pertahanan Liverpool. Ia akan tampil dengan tenaga penuh setelah sebelumnya diistirahatkan saat The Reds menaklukkan Brighton dengan skor 6-1 di piala FA. Craig Bellamy juga siap tampil kembali setelah sebelumnya sempat mengalami masalah di punggungnya.

Cardiff City tengah mengalami beberapa masalah di pemain andalan mereka. Kapten Mark Hudson masih diragukan kebugarannya untuk tampil di lapangan. Stephen McPhail juga diragukan karena bermasalah dengan kesehatannya. Kabar baik datang dari Tom Heaton yang telah sembuh dari cedera di pergelangan kakinya.

Data dan Fakta Pertandingan

- Kedua tim sama-sama memiliki top skorer di klubnya dengan jumlah 10 gol. Liverpool memiliki Luis Suarez sementara Cardiff memiliki Kenny Miller.

- Sepanjang sejarah pertemuan mereka, Cardiff memiliki rekor lebih baik daripada Liverpool. Cardiff berhasil meraih 18 kemenangan, 2 kali seri, dan 9 kali kalah.

- Final nanti merupakan pertandingan final Piala Carling yang pertama kalinya bagi Cardiff.

- Liverpool merupakan tim yang paling sukses dalam sejarah Piala Carling. Mereka berhasil memenangkan tujuh gelar juara Piala Carling dan tiga kali menjadi runner-up.

- Kedua tim terakhir kali bertemu di Piala Carling adalah pada tahun 2007. The Reds mengalahkan Cardiff dengan skor 2-1 di putaran keempat. Meski begitu, Liverpool selalu kalah dalam lima pertandingan sebelumnya ketika mereka saling berhadapan.

Perkiraan Susunan Pemain

Cardiff City:
Heaton, McNaughton, Hudson, A Gerrard, Taylor, Cowie, Gunnarsson, Whittingham, McPhail, Conway, Miller

Reina, Johnson, Skrtel, Agger, Enrique, Adam, S Gerrard, Bellamy, Suarez, Kuyt, Carroll


Teknik Kalibrasi Baterai Laptop + Cara merawat yang benar

Langsung aja nih saya share tekniknya:

1.Jangan mematikan lepi dalam kondisi baterai < 40%
Dari buku yang saya baca di bazar buku di pusat kota, maaf lupa nama bukunya, hal ini menyebabkan kerusakan permanen pada baterai.

2.Jangan charge hingga kepenuhan saat lepi mati
Melakukan charge kepenuhan terbukti menyebabkan lama daya tahan baterai berkurang. Secara teknis emang ana tidak tahu tapi udah saya buktikan dan teman ana pun juga membuktikan. Terutama kebiasaan mencharge lepi kemudian ditinggal tidur dan pagi2 setelah kita bangun led baterai lepi udah pertanda penuh.

3. Jangan lepas baterai ketika lepi dihidupkan (mode AC)
a. Mode AC tanpa baterai memungkinkan terjadi kerusakan pada motherboard akibat listrik tidak stabil / listrik mati mendadak, dan jika motherboard rusak sama aja dengan kerusakan pada lepi keseluruhan. Tapi memang menghemat baterai (namax juga gak dipakai, ya pasti awet tu baterai)
b.Mode AC dengan baterai memungkinkan terjadi penurunan kualitas baterai tapi sangat aman bagi kesehatan lepi jika terjadi listrik mati mendadak.
jadi saya sarankan agar tidak melepas baterai saat menggunakan lepi

4. Lepas baterai lepi jika lepi tidak digunakan dalam jangka waktu lama (> 24 jam)

5. Lakukan kalibrasi baterai setiap 30 kali charge (default)
Kalibrasi digunakan agar kalkulasi baterai tetap akurat.

Berikut caranya:
a. Charge lepi sampai penuh (100%) dan biarkan kabel charge tertancap selama 2 jam sembari digunakan lepi buat aktifitas
b. Aktifkan system hibernate
c. Setting agar system hibernate dijalakan otomatis jika baterai lepi udah habis (critical battery)
d. Gunakan lepi degan aktifitas2 anda dan tunggu sampai baterai habis… bis… bis… dan system hibernate dilakukan
e. Selama hibernate, diamkan lepi selama +- 8 jam dengan kondisi baterai tetap tertancap
f. Setelah 8 jam, charge lepi selama sampai penuh namun lepi dalam kondisi masih hibernate (belum dihidupkan).

NB: Gunakan software battery care agar tidak perlu repot2 menghitung berapa kali kita men-charge baterai lepi. Karena software ini akan mencatatnya hingga looping ke berapa kita mencharge baterai lepi.
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